Sunday, January 22, 2012

Childhood Issues and Weight

I was reading another persons blog and she talked about her crappy childhood and how it caused her to be the adult she is today, including her overeating and weight issues. I also had a crappy childhood: I dealt with abandonment, anger, alcoholism, and poverty to name a few. I know these issues made me who I am today. I would have to say that the over riding feelings that harmed me the most as a child were not feeling loved or taken care of. As an adult I find myself doing the same thing to myself. I do not love myself or take care of myself the way an emotionally healthy and secure adult woman would naturally do. I learned early on that my needs don't matter. Others selfish and abusive needs mattered more than me. Sometimes when I look at myself from an outside perspective I think, "why are you doing the same thing to yourself that the adults in your life did to you when you were a child". I am an adult now and have full control over the way that I treat myself and I also have full control over the way I allow or don't allow other adults to treat me. I need to start treating myself with love and kindness and respect. And it starts with taking care of myself and loving myself enough to eat healthy and take care of my body.


  1. Amen. It is so hard to overcome our pasts isn't it? It is especially frustrating when logically we can figure it all out but emotionally the baggage is still there. We must accept it, forgive those people so that we can let it go, and move on to the life we want. Let's help each other through support and encouragement. We all need that positive regard that was missing in the past and we can start today doing that for ourselves. Pray about it. Prayer moves God.

  2. Thank you for your response. You're right, I need to pray about it!

  3. Amen sister! I just wrote a little bit about this earlier today..taking personal responsibility now. It's ok to recognize what led us to where we are, learn from it, accept it, forgive it, heal. I'm just at the beginning of a lot of journal entries to come on my blog about how I got to my highest weight.

    We can do this!
