Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weigh In & How Bad Do I Want This?

Good news first. Today it has been one week since I started logging all my food in My Fitness Pal and I have lost 7lbs!!!! I am very excited and proud. I worked hard preparing food, logging it all in and sticking to the plan even when I was hungry or just wanting to eat at night. Hard work does pay off. A comment I received the other day really got me thinking. I posted about how much I hate to exercise, whined about how I hate to sweat and basically digging my heels in the ground that I don't want to exercise ever. Well, the comment ended with, " How bad do you want it". That smacked me right in the face. Thank you for that. You know what? Just like eating healthy and the right amount of food is hard work, so is exercising. If I want to continue on this plan and reach my goals then I must suck it up and do the dreaded EXERCISE! No excuses, no whining, like the old Nike commercial used to say, " Just Do It!".


  1. In the past I lost weight through exercise. Unfortunately, when I stopped exercising, the weight returned. This time, I am losing it via diet. When I did not exercise for 3 weeks in September, I still lost weight. Just a lot slower.

    So exercise to me is like a dimmer switch. How bright do I want the light, how much weight do I want to lose..

    How much I lose at what pace is directly related to how much I exercise. I'm going to lose weight anyway, but do I want to lose half a pound a week or 2-3 lbs a week? ie.. how bad do I want it..

    I wish I could say my dimmer switch was full on, but I would be lying to myself. Some days it is, some days not so.

    Good luck!

  2. You might enjoy the group classes like step aerobics and Jazzercise. I love them because of the other people there doing what I am doing. Congratulations on the weight loss. Take care.
