Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mid Week Struggle

I have not done great yesterday or today. I eat great all the way up through dinner, then those night time munches kick in. I am very disappointed in myself. I have over eaten two nights in a row. I must find a way to stop this now before I regain all the weight I've lost. How do others deal with late night eating?


  1. You may need a little more structure. If you plan your day so as to save something for the evening that might help. Sitting around causes thoughts of eating I think. Are there some hot teas that you might have? It would be something in your hands and hot things seem more filling. Is there some craft or hobby you could do while watching TV? That would keep your hands busy. Many people exercise while watching TV - some crunches, leg lifts, and other floor work might also curb your appetite.

  2. Try to plan a snack that will satisfy your night time cravings. A lot of people save points for a dessert or other sweet, but maybe you should plan for popcorn or something else snacky that you takes awhile to eat so you can satisfy that urge to munch. And, when your planned munching is over, pop in a piece of gum or something. The gum thing has never worked for me...Hello, I can just spit it out to stuff something else in. :-) But, it's worth a shot! Good luck, you'll find something that works.
