Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year, Happy New Me!

I am thrilled to be starting a new year with a new attitude. It feels so good to be motivated and have clear goals established. I love using My Fitness Pal to track my food intake and exercise. I have made a promise to myself to track my food each and everyday with no excuses. I wasted 2011 and I will not let 2012 pass me by. I am going to take each day as an opportunity for growth and learning. Cheers! Dawn


  1. Hi Dawn - A year ago I started my blog and got my first ever comment and I could have cried - happily, that there were other people out there who understood how I was feeling. I wanted to change my life, get fit, get well and start living. I am one year on and a lot has been achieved and a lot still to achieve but my life is totally different. I would love to follow your year and see you emerge as you are the woman you will become. My best advice is just to worry about getting today right. Tomorrow doesn't matter it isn't here yet and yesterday is past. Get today right and repeat and then the days will add up to a big change. Lovely to 'meet' you - we Dawn's need to stick together!

  2. Good luck reaching your goals this year! You can do it. I started my weight loss blog a year ago. Although successful, I am still on my journey. I look forward to reading about your experiences and cheering you on!

  3. My first comments ever!!! Thank you for your thoughts and kind words!

  4. The key to my success has been honesty and tracking. I have tracked with 99.9% honesty every day since Aug 2011. I researched each and every item I consumed looking for alternatives. Then I looked at my daily allowances and made sure I was getting enough fiber, fats, protein etc and if not, then research how.
